Unlike other health facilities, the impact of nursing intervention in a rehabilitation center is not apparent in the short term. Hospitalization is usually long-term and nurses are asked to offer their services to people who have to accept that their lives have been partially, or fully changed.
The nursing rehabilitation team of the ANAGENNISI Center has a longstanding experience, specialized and ongoing training and is part of the interdisciplinary team that deals with the clinical management of the patients.
Their role is crucial at all stages of recovery and they are in charge of:
a. recognizing and assessing the patient’s needs.
b. the correlation of these needs with several limiting factors.
c. the selection of appropriate intervention measures.
d. the implementation and coordination of interventions and
e. the evaluation of the rehabilitation results
At the ANAGENNISI center our nursing rehab objective is to offer rest, relief, therapeutic action, patient training and medical care that yields results.
Request more information about the ANAGENNISI rehabilitation experience
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00