A healthy spine gives your body structure and support, enhances movement as well as upright posture It has extremely important functions such as connecting the upper and lower limbs and protecting the spinal cord.
Any damage to this complex member of the human motor mechanism can disrupt normal human physiology. Spinal cord injury (SCI) can be caused by car accidents, falls, sports, diving etc. When one of the aforementioned accidents occurs, the disability caused changes the person and the world around him.
World Spinal Cord Injury Day has been established since 2015 at the initiative of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and has been honoured on 5th September, every year
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00